Sunday, January 31, 2021


Readings:for the Cape Church Ministries Institute 




The first spiritual work of Paul and his Gospel Band of evangelists was to "GO" - Matthew 28: 19-20 - Ephesus is a fine example of this work of  'GOING," or witnessing. For Paul it began with reasoning with the Jewish community at Ephesus. This brief evangelistic visit is reported to us in Acts 18:19-21 and included in that initial visit we learn only a little about sowing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Paul and his “Gospel Band” of witnesses and preachers would return and would carry-on sowing but time and sequence leads us to understand that the process of spiritual sowing also needed spiritual watering, but in both case this was accomplished through the Spirit and the Word of God. 

Both sowing & watering and the Spirit and the Word are uniquely linked as part of the amazing process of building on the only sound foundation, Jesus Christ our Lord. All of these aspects are essential elements for planting and growing and then too of building a spiritually live and truly dynamic congregation of believers, this was true then and is still true now. 

This truth of the processes of the Spirit of God, is clearly revealed in a study of the planting process of all the churches: Ephesus, Laodicea, Colossi and all the region. The Gospel Message, that Paul called "My Gospel," was shared and carefully explained under the banner of Truth, which was nothing other than the free grace of  God. This teaching process alone would lead to the strength and growth of the church at Ephesus. 

There were no hidden principles, or cultural techniques or special methodologies in place to give the desired results! The work of forming a body of believers an assembly that was serving the Lord, each other and the lost world around them was not a matter of technique but a matter of the Spirit of God working through the Word of God. 

In the study of these Spirit inspired letters we see clearly that the wonderful grace of God alone can provide the growth necessary for the believer to faithfully serve the Lord - that is, to serve together with others. As was already said, this spiritual development results only from the Spirit of God working through the Word of God.  So, as the Word of God is practically linked to Christians as living witnesses of Christ it is clear that they must be (all of them) serious students of the Scriptures. 

Acts 1:8 is clear that Christians are all called to be co-workers who are faithfully committed to sharing, declaring, explaining and preaching the Truth of God’s Word to all, world-wide. Christians, then, must be committed to knowing the truth on another level - a 'higher level" and then they can live-out the expression of this true Truth, before God, their friends and neighbours! The Christian's consistent life pictures the changes and growth and hope that is available through the work of the Spirit and the Word of God in the believer's life - committed fully to Christ.


Ephesians is pre-eminently the epistle or letter of the Inner Life. It is certainly not astonishing, therefore, to find that its characteristic key-words are also the key-words of the Christian’s inner-life. Some of these key words include: “In Him,” “in Christ,” “our walk,” “riches,” “love,” “the Spirit,” “submission,” and “the church.” The importance of these letters or  Epistles will be understood when one recognizes that these are the  truths that Christ promised would come - in time and be shared with us us in John 16:13. 

The Epistles of the New Testament are the voice of the Spirit, speaking within the Early Church and to all Christianity or all those who are themselves born-again and humbly serving within Christ’s churches. The Apostolic Scriptures certify to all that the true interpretations and applications of the principles of God as regards His thought and life have been given and are available to every believer in Jesus. 

The form in which this teaching is given to us is truly significant. The great Greek expositor, Bengel, pointed-out that the written or "letter style" is a preeminent approach among all the potential forms of communication. God did not choose to use theology texts, creeds or creedal formulas, commentaries or even todays digital and video technology but among all the different potential approaches that God could have used, He has chosen to use the narrative styled writings and personal style letters of the Scriptures. This unique style, especially unique, to the New Testament is an amazing form of communication. Even when we compare those styles common to the Old Testament which has been so effective and such a blessing to all that read them - the letter or Epistle remains unique among them all.. The letter writing by the inspiration of the Spirit of God was a uniquely blessed ministry of the Apostles who were declaring that which they had seen and heard, under the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

There is another unique reality related to style and overall importance of the New Testament Scriptures: it is that the New Testament prophets (actively serving in every church) had been declaring New Covenant truth in the churches, but now the Apostles were called to finalize in written form and under the inspiration of the Spirit the complete message of God for this age.  Today, as we study together. all of us can share and variously evaluate, analyze, exegete or inductively study the six chapters of Paul’s letter. We can learn to live more knowledgably or are consistently for our Lord -all of us, together.

This letter of Paul and the whole story or history of the church of Ephesus and the others like Laodicea, Collossae and Phillipi combine to provide important spiritual guidelines and warnings for those who are committed to attending, serving and even establishing (or planting) new congregations. The Bible-based church-planter, pastor and church-member is unique or distinct because they are committed to truly look into the Gospels, and the Epistles for insight and direction to guide their lives. The careful study of the Scriptures has  powerful influence on our ministries to others and also for the wise development of  New Testament principled congregations. The modern congregation that wants to be faithful to the Lord and that sincerely desire to do His will truly needs the teaching of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle who wrote from prison to these believers in Ephesus and beyond. 

These spiritual lessons are so very important to those who want to actively serve Christ in His church. These truths are the tools of the Holy Spirit and are meant to ‘meld and mold’ those seeking to grow “in Christ”! Members of such local congregations - “bodies of Christ,” will look to these Biblical insights for wisdom, discernment and spiritual strength. 

PRAYER, the key: At this early stage of our study, we will limit our attention to the call to responsible (balanced and committed) living. This “amazingly normal” congregation offers us some really meaningful insights into the will of the Lord for us all. By identifying some of the responsibilities Paul and the Elders (Pastors) of the congregation were praying for and as we identify the responsibilities they were urging individuals to take – we will see a godly pattern for ourselves, as well. 

THE CALL is to live in a responsible way and to responsibly maintain our “Body Life” which is vital to consistent growth in Christ. “Body Life” is a term I will use to describe the dynamic interaction between the Spirit of God and the Word of God. Body Life refers to the processes that combine and provide active grace that gives the believer the degree of spiritual competency required to serve the Lord. The maturity of faith and service - the walk with the Spirit and in the Spirit – are truly linked to (or related directly to) one’s demonstrating a seriousness toward things of the Lord; or in other words, to be able to responsibly submit daily to the Spirit of God. 


Let’s take a brief look, or rather a random overview of some of these, “calls” to have a “Body Life."  Responding to being a Body with Spiritual life calls believers to live responsibly. This attitude of maturity or responsibility requires that the believer uses their enlightened hearts to identify their source of hope, The Body Life that is committed to living for Christs understand what their riches really are, and they appreciate their inheritance, as well. Such a Body of Christ, a collective of antimatter believers will (must) look to His power in their lives. See: Ephesians 1:18-19 

When we recognize that salvation is a gift of God’s grace , it is only reasonable to expect that we would want to lead a new life of good works and to walk in this new service to our Lord! See: Ephesians 2:8-10. It is reasonable to imagine why we, as believers, would want to take personal responsible for walking by faith and for not lose heart, and that these believers would look to the Lord to be strengthened is equal reasonable! ... Strength, faith and confidence in the Lord are necessary so that our Savior, Jesus Christ can dwell in freedom within our hearts and so that each of us can be truly grounded in love. See: Ephesians 3:13-17. 

So, it is further clear that believers consider it normal to handle their relationships with one another in all humility, gentleness, patience and by showing forbearance to one another in love. See: Ephesians 4:1-2  Again, it is reasonable to believe and understand that these believers would determine or make the right choices by imitating God (their heavenly Father) just as beloved children would be expected to do. Finally, we can see that their “body life” would call for them to be prayerful for their friends who were witnessing and for being truly concerned for those evangelists and missionaries who were preaching the Gospel message. Ephesians 6:19-21 

As you consider these words of encouragement you will also want to remember that the warnings found along the way are of equal value and should be allowed to influence your thoughts and actions. 


Dr. Marc S. Blackwell Sr.

Cape Town