Thursday, March 7, 2019

by Dr. Marc S. Blackwell Sr.
Where once ... Christ was our Mediator & Highpriest and we His priesthood ...
When once ... Pastors became Bishops who became ‘Priests mediating’ ...
Then once ... in time, ‘the church’ claimed to mediate on behalf of all ...
For once ... voices were raised in Reformation furor against error ...
For now ... Worship is believed by many to be our ‘mediator’ ...
To HIM ... His salvation, His Heavenly Session and Mediation ...
Let us return! 
The New Testament churches looked by faith alone to Christ alone for the grace and hope of salvation! This beginning to the Age of Grace was one of personal faith based on the liberty or competency and responsibility of the soul. Individual salvation was accomplished by God’s grace alone, accomplished through the Holy Spirit’s regeneration and resulting in His indwelling and sanctifying ministry. The believer was viewed as being a priest (1 Peter 2:5; Revelation 1:6: 5:10) with the ministry of prayerful intercession and direct worship accomplished and available through Christ as the believer’s mediator and Highpriest. 
The New Testament period’s churches’ Worship was focused around the Priesthood of Believers and their open access in prayer to God and receiving the New Covenant’s message for this Age of Grace: being humble prayer and reverent, orderly and simple worship. Such fellowship or ‘communion’ or worship with God was focused on the preaching and teaching and singing of the true Truths of the Word of God. Worship included corporate and reverent prayers of thanksgiving, intercession, confession and contrition. “Public” worship was in reality semi-private and the focus was not one of primarily inviting an unsaved “public” to attend the churches. The Gospel was primarily addressed for the edification of the believer as a rehearsal for their equipping as evangelists. Evangelism primarily took place in the homes and “market places” of the world. 
This early church, following the Scriptures, knew only of Pastors and Deacons. These servants of the church were mandated to care for the flock and to serve the needs of the saints. No authority was granted them or any others that would diminish the finished work of Christ or dilute the ministry of the Holy Spirit or remove the believer’s role as a priest before God. The “means of receiving grace” was limited to Christ’s atoning propitiating death and His resurrection power. Christ Jesus was viewed as the only Mediator between God and man. The ability, responsibility and opportunity for believing Christians to approach God in prayer was accepted as a universal right of all believers founded in the invitation of Christ Himself. 
Then, the ‘Priesthood of the Believer’ was an accepted Biblical teaching that opened simple and direct access to God, through the Name or authority of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Through the individual Christian’s prayers and through the public prayers of the saints the simplicity of faith was maintained. No spiritual power was recognised in either baptism or communion and there were no officers viewed as being able to provide spiritual life or strength. Nothing other than faith was viewed as necessary to allow the believer to receive the benefits of God’s Grace. The Bible was at the centre of early Christian Worship.
These were a few 'Introductory thoughts' - to 'Step One' in a series of "steps" of a study-course we've entitled: Discovering the Faithful in History. Future segments will appear here & on ... facebook: Church Planting in the Western Cape Province, Suid-Afrika 
Your comments are appreciated.